Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Most Bizarre Vending Machine in the World

There is a blog called Epsentis that is run in some far away country that I suspect speaks Portuguese... But I could be wrong.

They have what they claim to be the most bizarre vending machine in the world and, of course, it is claimed to come from Japan. Yes, this video looks to be from Japan, but (watch the video) and you'll see that this is fake (but I have no doubt that there's lots of Japanese guys trying to figure out how to make one of these....)

This is a moving gif so double click on the image and you'll see what it does.
This is a moving gif so double click on the image and you'll see what it does.

It is true that we have all sorts of weird vending machines in Japan... Trust that you could walk around Tokyo for a year and not see the weirdest ones (they tend to appeal to a certain group of people with, er, unusual tastes...) But, this one does not exist...

Though I would not doubt that there might be one that vends these sorts of dolls (Dutch Wife).

Probably the strangest thing about this entire thing is that some Japanese guys would go through the trouble to make this in the first place and that I would be bothering to blog about it in the second place.

Oh well, today is November 3rd. November 3rd is Culture Day in Japan and a national holiday. Welcome to Japanese culture 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Yup! It's a fake alright. First of all, it's only 100 yen (about $12 at today's exchange rate) and, more importantly, the "doll" is a real person...


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