Thursday, December 2, 2010

Great Music Video! The Missing Suitcase!

A regular reader wants to know the name of a an instrumental video that was shot in Tokyo.

He writes;

"Mike.... Am looking for a music video and figured that you were the guy to ask. It is a video that is an instrumental about two guys stealing a suitcase in Japan and at the end of the video one guy escapes in a jet. Do you know the one?"

I'll bet I do. I think you are asking about Ninja Tunes artist The Herbaliser "The Missing Suitcase." And, my, what great taste you have! Yes! This is way cool.

At the beginning, by the way, the fat Japanese guy talking on the phone is Hidaka san, the president of Smash. The guys who promote Fuji Rock.

Here's the video. Enjoy!

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