Sunday, December 19, 2010

Japan? Come for the Sushi. Stay for the Surgery

The headlines read, "Come to Japan, stay for the surgery" and the article talks about Japan's expensive medical services and how the government is going to relax visa requirements so that rich foreigners can come to enjoy the medical care.

Writer's image of the perfect nurse

Well, I don't know about that that expensive part... Medical services in Japan are much better and cheaper than what I've seen in the USA!

From the Wall Street Journal:

In a bid to cash in on its high-quality but expensive medical industry Japan said Friday it will ease visa requirements to encourage the flow of wealthy travelers seeking medical treatment here. The government will loosen visa requirements in January 2011 that would allow patients to receive renewable, multiple-entry half-year visas, lengthening the current single-entry visa period by about three months, according to a statement released by the foreign ministry Friday.

Thanks to News on Japan

1 comment:

  1. Based on my limited observations, whatever medical treatment you get in Japan costs 70% less than it does in America. However, if you want to have something done here that is not a a procedure, drug, or test approved by the government, then it will cost about the same as in America. And most importantly, I have never seen a nurse here that looks like the one in the picture.


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