Sunday, February 13, 2011

Airfare to Bangkok? ¥4,800!!!! (About $57 USD!)

Well, if there's ever been a better time to fly anywhere than now, I haven't heard of it. New carriers to Japan and more free market competition are making 2011 the best time in history to fly.

In another move that is great for travelers, Japanese people can fly to Bangkok for ¥4,800! (That's about $57 USD!)

The Japan Times Reports:

H.I.S. offering ¥4,800 one-way Bangkok flights

Travel agency H.I.S. Co. says it will offer one-way tickets from Narita International Airport to Bangkok for ¥4,800 from March 15 to May 8.
The discount will apply to some flights on a Thailand-based charter airline, the travel agency said. H.I.S. said it will start selling the tickets next Wednesday.
The move comes as price competition is intensifying in the Japanese aviation market following the launch of flights to and from Japan by low-cost Asian carriers.
The charter airline will operate daily round-trip flights between Narita and Bangkok. For the flight departing Narita on March 15, 100 seats will be available at the discounted price.
Of course this is a "first come, first served" deal and the seats are limited, but it's still a great deal. One-way to Bangkok for $57!!! What a fantastic deal (as ling as the return trip is not $4000!)

1 comment:

  1. Why is it so expensive to fly on domestic flights in Japan? Great, $57 to Bangkok but it's a $300 round trip per person just to get to the airport and back, unless you live in the Tokyo area. ANA and JAL seem to have a gentleman's agreement to not compete, thus enabling them to charge monopoly prices to fly within Japan.

    No foreign carriers seem to be permitted to serve the Japanese domestic market, thus serving the special interests to the detriment of the people. Smells like government.


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