Monday, June 13, 2011

AKB48 - Japan's Lolita Soft Pornography Fetishism Goes Top 40

In Japan, there's no escaping a girl's pop group called AKB48. They are probably the crappiest one of all so far. This means that they are everywhere. On the trains, TV, magazines, newspapers, convenience stores, etc., etc. They are everywhere. You can't avoid them.

We don't have a TV at my house so I have been pretty well insulated. I do see their pictures on the train and in advertisements, but, since those are printed materials, I don't have to be subjected to their, er, "music".

AKB48 are everything that corporate music crap aspires to be. If you hate corporate schlock as much as I do then you are in for a real treat. Watching an AKB48 music video is like dying and being sent to Pop Music Hell.

If you've ever been searching for a reason to throw your TV set away, then then your time has come... But, then again, maybe not.... Their Youtube video has almost 39,000,000 views!

This video has it all: The sick perversion Japan has with the Lolita Complex... Girls in underwear... Tasteless idiocy, lack of talent (no, make that ZERO talent) and, on top of that, it is so totally uncool I feel like I'm going to be sick.

If I were an 18-year-old kid, I would never watch this crap. This is more embarrassing than Disco was in 1975! 

I'm sure fat Japanese geeks and dorks in Akihabara Electric Town go crazy over this sh*t.

"Heavy Rotation"!? Indeed! 

Do these girl's father's know that they are running around in these videos in their underwear? Is this sh*t being sold in Victoria's Secret catalogues in Japan?

I hear that AKB48 has over hundred members "singing" it in now. That's good. Because these types of "artists" have no talent and are no better than human puppets. They are completely disposable so the minute they get a big head or any ideas, the managment of this unit will drop them like a hot potato.

AKB48 Newest video review! 
DJ Mike Rogers says, "Two thumbs up!..."
"...So that I can gouge out my own eyes out so 
that I never have to watch it again."

These girls cannot sing (I'll bet many of them don't actually sing on the music); they do not write the songs, so they get no publishing royalties; and they are paid a salary. Generally speaking these salary payment systems means that they get paid a small amount of money per month and have their apartment paid for.

Once out of the group, they are gone and will disappear into oblivion.

The best example that comes to mind is the girls duo known as Wink from the 1980's - early 90's. The two girls were paid royalties of 1.25% of total record sales (minus their salary and costs - including production for all videos, promotions, etc.) Wink sold over 25,000,000 CDs in Japan yet, after the breakup of the unit, they were basically penniless. The last I heard was one of them was working in a boutique in Sangenjyaya. The other one keeps making attempts at music, some fairly successful, but nothing like their past record...  it's over.

That's what happens to you when you are a human puppet in a group in Japan and paid a pittance.

That's where these faceless girls from AKB48 will be in 4 or 5 years too... Until the next big thing comes along.

But, the way they are going, and judging from this last video, at least the AKB48 girls can make porn videos like the one Keiko did after the breakup of Pink Lady.


  1. Wait is that AKB48 or Morning Musume? Can't tell these Lolicon groups apart.

  2. But, but, but, but..... 39,000,000 people can't be wrong?!?!?!?!!

  3. I know someone who'd love this and he isn't Japanese. I'm going to give him the link. lol

  4. First,I'm surprised that you could write an article like this without touching on Morning Musume, the 30 or so members they have had, or the half dozen offshoot groups it has spawned. AKB48 is nothing new, just the perfection or extension of something that was already established.

    Like Nazism following Fascism.

    There's a lot more to all this than crap music performed by puppets for Akihabara dorks...too bad you missed it.

  5. Thanks Anonymous... Oh, no.., I didn't miss it at all. In fact, I was way too close to Morning Musume for my own liking. TV tokyo bought InterFM (of which I became general manager).... Then the president of TV Tokyo music publishing became the president of InterFM.... TV Tokyo publishing owns Morning Musume. I was ordered to start playing that schlock at InterFM... I refused.... and then resigned my post a few weeks later (they would have fired me anyway for not playing Morning Musume and getting involved with their political BS!)

    I'm glad I resigned. After I left the station started losing $100,000 dollars a month again. The president who came in, by the way, was fired 3 weeks ago.... How the hell he lasted that long (3 years) is a mystery to me. Idiot!

  6. *I rub you*

    Admittedly, the music quality isn't very good, but the video was fun to watch. I liked it a lot.

    These cutie girls are cashing in on their good looks during their princess years and as long as they realize this isn't going to be a long term career, what's wrong with that?

    Would they be better off working behind the counter at Lawson's?

  7. Fundamentally speaking, not so different from The Beatles, the first band ever to be created by the marketing department.

  8. Its interesting. These Mega-Corporations create, market and sell their talentless, faux musicians to the gullible public exactly the same way they create, market, and sell their talentless, faux politicians to the gullible public. Its a formula they use like the Colonels secret fried chicken recipe and it works almost every time. They must use MSG or something.

  9. Roninf5 has it right.

    The Inner Party has identified certain genetically pre-set receptors in the human brain/psyche. All you have to do is keep banging those with: juvenile female body/face images; high fructose corn syrup; love story movie plots (Female Fantasy Syndrome); fire/explosion/car/gun movie plots (Male Fantasy Syndrome); etc. then sit back and rake in the $.

    Point is that these preset receptors have now been specifically identified and are being fully exploited.

  10. Problem is that these girls aren't really cashing in all that much. Many would say that they'd be better off finishing Jr. High school at least. Most are dropouts and come from broken families. That being said, maybe you are right, considering that they can't control their family circumstances.

  11. It surprised me how little many musicians make in Japan, mainly because the idea of free agency doesn't exist in the industry here. I heard from someone that bands playing at clubs or venues have to actually pay to play there! Is this true?

  12. Yep! In most cases amateur bands must pay to play.

  13. Haters >.<
    I'm a brand-new fan and it's a matter of taste!
    At least now most of the top members got a lot of commercials, product endorsement deals, act in tv series, i.e. they got popular to the point where they can branch out and start a probably-short but interesting career in entertainment business. For the other 40+ members who's not that much popular yet... well.. be popular! That's how it works.

  14. you're just a hater :(

  15. you're just a hater :(

  16. Of course I'm a hater! I hate all Top Selling Popular schlock and crap. I hate the popular TV shows, the popular music, I hate McDonald's.

    It's a fair bet that if most people like it, it's shit. It's called targeting the lowest common denominator.

    Pretty basic stuff, really.


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