Monday, November 21, 2011

Massive Cover-up! Worse Than Fukushima? Japan (and the World Over) Danger Levels at More Than 250 X Safe Limit!

This will ruin more lives this year than the Fukushima nuclear accident will. The government and industry is lying. They've been lying and they always will lie to us. It is our duty to protect ourselves and our children especially when the government that we elect fails to do so.

Of course, you all know I am not talking about Fukushima, I'm talking about something much worse. I'm talking about Flu Shots. Especially the kind of flu shots that contain Mercury (Thimerasol) that have been banned in some countries because there seems to be a link to Autism.

The Health Freedom Alliance reports:

Thimerosal is a widely used vaccine preservative that is present in the majority of flu shots and other vaccines. Thimerosal is 49% mercury by volume, an extremely toxic chemical element that wreaks havoc on the nervous system, neurological function, and overall biological function [1]. Each dose of flu vaccine contains around 25 micrograms of thimerosalover 250 times the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit of exposure.
Mercury, a neurotoxin, is especially damaging to undeveloped brains. Considering that 25 micrograms of mercury is considered unsafe by the EPA for any human under 550 pounds, the devastating health effects of mercury on a developing fetus are truly concerning.
Though thimerasol is not entirely mercury, the mercury content is still extremely high, making it very toxic to the human body. Despite highly exceeding the EPA safety standards for mercury content by over 250 times, flu shots are still recommended for children over 6 months and pregnant women.

It seems that the age groups that are urged to receive the flu shot are actually most affected by mercury exposure. Young children, pregnant women, and elderly are the ‘targeted’ demographic of flu shot manufacturers, and these individuals also happen to have the least defense against the elemental neurotoxin mercury.

When my son was just two years old we took him to the doctor who recommended flu shots. My wife wanted them, I was quite skeptical but I relented. Just before administering the shots I asked the doctor if these shots had Thimerasol in them and that Thimerasol had been banned in California. I had printed out an article that stated as such. As I was handing the article to the doctor he got angry and said, "Of course! That's obvious!" 

I said to the doctor, "If it is obvious, then why do you have both shots with Thimerasol and those without? And why is it that you give the vaccinations without Thimerasol only upon request? If it is so obvious, then why do you even have vaccinations with Thimerasol on hand?"

I tell you why. The vaccinations with Thimerasol are cheaper and the doctor makes more money from them and the government subsidises them.

Healthy baby gets the flu? Sick for a few days. Gets autism because 
of flu shots? A families dreams ruined. Don't do this to your kids.

The flu season is upon us. The flu is a dangerous disease and should be handled with care. Generally speaking, though, the flu only kills the old and very weak and sick. The risk of receiving Mercury filled vaccinations and a lifetime of medical problems or autism do not justify the vaccination.

Don't do this to your kids.

UPDATE: Dear readers, I knew someone would write in who was low on facts and big on fears (see comments below). Before anyone else writes in to complain, let me explain. Fukushima is a big problem but here are the facts. Towns near Fukushima have been evacuated, and that's a problem, but no one has died or gotten sick (maybe locals have gotten depression). Fukushima radiation as a dangerous and a cause of cancer is a localized problem (High levels of dangerous radiation found within 50 mile radius). 

But, even if you live 5000 miles away, the flu vaccine problem is a worldwide phenomenon and problem, not a small localized problem. Here are the facts: 300 death claims from flu vaccine. And Flu vaccines and neurological problems (caused Guillian Barre Syndrome in over 500 people). These two links show over 800 deaths and nerve damage vaccine related illnesses from, you guessed it, flu shots in one year alone! So far deaths or illness from Fukushima: Zero

Sensationalism is one thing. It sells magazine and ad space. The facts are another. Dear readers, I invite you to do the math.

Read more at:

Also more about this scandalous affair:


  1. You seriously are comparing the worst nuclear disaster ever, to flu shots. You are a sick individual.

  2. Dear readers, I knew someone would write in who was low on facts and big on fears. Fukushima is a big problem but here are the facts. Of course towns near Fukushima have been evacuated, and that's a problem, but no one has died or gotten sick (maybe locals have gotten depression). Fukushima radiation is a localized problem. But, even if you live 5000 miles away, the flu vaccine problem is a worldwide phenomenon and problem, not a small localized problem. Here are the facts:

    300 death claims from 1976 flu vaccine.

    Flu vaccines and neurological problems (cause Guillian Barre Syndrome in over 500 people).

    These two links show over 800 deaths and nerve damage vaccine related illnesses from, you guessed it, flu shots in one year alone! So far deaths or illness from Fukushima: Zero. Dear readers, I invite you to do the math.

  3. Hello Mike!

    First to "steve." The worst nuclear disaster was probably Nagasaki & Hiroshima. Just ask the victims.

    Secondly, people are pretty bad about judging risk. Emotions cloud reason, and when people hear a story about something that happened recently, they tend to give it much more weight and fear than something that happened longer ago. Hence all the emotional responses surrounding Fukushima.

  4. "The FDA can look the other way while the medical system kills 225,000 people a year, 106,000 from the effects of approved and certified drugs. (Starfield, July 26, 2000, JAMA, “Is US health really the best in the world?”)"
    - "Underground Health", Jon Rappoport.

  5. The JOURNAL of the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4, July 26th 2000 article written by Dr Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH, of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, shows that medical errors may be the third leading cause of death in the United States.

    The report apparently shows there are 2,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery; 7000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals; 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals; 80,000 deaths/year from infections in hospitals; 106,000 deaths/year from non-error, adverse effects of medications - these total up to 225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic causes which ranks these deaths as the # 3 killer. Iatrogenic is a term used when a patient dies as a direct result of treatments by a physician, whether it is from misdiagnosis of the ailment or from adverse drug reactions used to treat the illness. (drug reactions are the most common cause).
    -Mark Davis


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