Monday, April 2, 2012

Thanks to Everyone for a Wonderful Hanami 2012

Thanks to all my wonderful friends who helped make our Hanami party 2012 such a wonderful day!

Photo by Osamu Arai

I hope the rest of 2012 sees you and yours healthy and prosperous. May all your dreams come true!


  1. Hey Mike... is that you in the middle down at the front with your hand up?

  2. I purposely did not add the full words requested to post a comment - and I think it still posted it. I think it just appreciates the effort to prove I am not a robot.

  3. Yeah. That's me... God does that photo make me look fat!!!!


Comments must be succinct & relevant to the story. Comments are checked frequently and abusive, rude or profane comments will be deleted. I’m just one of many bloggers who answer questions online and sometimes for the press. I usually handle questions about Japan, marketing or the economy, so in those areas I’m more likely to make sense and less likely to say something really stupid. If I post something here that you find helpful or interesting, that’s wonderful. This is my personal blog. If you don't like what you have read here then, just like when you go into a restaurant or bar that allows smoking, if you don't like it, there's something at the front that has hinges on it and it is called a "door."