Thursday, April 12, 2012

THINK for yourself. Question Everything. Anonymous raising awareness.

I am placing this video on my blog today as a favor to a friend and as a public service to you, me and everyone else.

"Not because you think you know everything without questioning, but rather because you question everything you think you know."

1 comment:

  1. Some interesting quotes. As usual, like so many of these well intentioned efforts, it is weak on solutions.

    Though perhaps not the best solution, but definitely one of the better ones, has been described most eloquently by artist and journalist Jon Rappoport. If you are not familiar with Rappoport's work, you might start with this mind-blowing interview he did with hypnotherapist extraordinaire, Jack True, then search his blog for "Jack True" and go on from there.

    A pretty clear expose of the present and ongoing situation was made by Edward Griffin in a talk given a few years ago. You can find it on the Tea Party Economist's site, or search on YouTube for "the Quigley formula", but again Griffin is weak on solutions. Rappoport is better.

    Rappoport's solution includes the attractive possibility of making our would-be tyrants and oppressors laughably irrelevant.

    The best, imho, is Socrates' famous dictum, "Know Thyself". Because we don't really know who or what we are, we become suckers for any kind of plausible-sounding nonsense. Could we be so easily suckered if we knew (not believed, knew) who and what we really are? I don't think so.

    Thanks for posting this thought-provoking video.


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