Monday, June 4, 2012

Japan's Economic Disaster is Here? Topix Hits 1983 Levels - Dow Crash Around the Corner?

Think this bodes for disaster for the Dow? Think this bodes disaster for the world economy? Think I'm right about the disaster hitting Japan this summer? I do.

Tokyo Stock Exchange (photo by me - use as you wish)

Bloomberg reports in Japan's Topix Heads for Lowest Close Since 1983 on US:

Japan’s Topix Index (TPX) plunged to the lowest level since 1983 and entered a bear market, after disappointing U.S. jobs and China services data added to evidence the global economy is slowing.
The Topix slid 2.1 percent to 694.22 at 12:40 p.m. in Tokyo, heading for the lowest close since Dec. 2, 1983, and dropping below levels last seen since the global financial crisis following the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. About 12 stocks fell for each that rose on the measure. The Nikkei 225 Stock Average (NKY) dropped 2 percent to 8,272.00.
“This is a panic selloff,” said Koichi Kurose, chief economist at Resona Bank Ltd., Japan’s fifth-largest lender by market value. “Action from policy makers is the only thing that will calm the market. The market is pricing in a deterioration in the U.S. economy through summer.”
The Topix has fallen about 21 percent since March 27 amid a deepening debt crisis in Europe and slowing growth in China. Should the gauge close at the current level, it will have entered a so-called bear market. The decline compares with a 9.5 percent drop on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) and a 12 percent slide for the Stoxx Europe 600. (SXXP)

Maybe they know something that we don't?


  1. 1. Generally the best time to buy is when everyone else is panic-selling.
    2. Perhaps you have forgotten the Crash of 2:45 pm in 2010, when the market flashed down over 9% in a matter of minutes due to algorithmic/high-frequency trading? If anything, I'd wonder what took them so long, and why the rule isn't for a shutdown if it drops more than about 1% per minute for two consecutive minutes. Either that or making HFT illegal, which isn't going to happen. This isn't your grandfather's stock market.

  2. "1. Generally the best time to buy is when everyone else is panic-selling."

    I've read that in a number of places.
    It kind of makes sense, but at the same time, isn't that how a Person catches a falling knife?

    #2. sounds Keynesian/merchantilist, but whatever.

    I did notice gold's not plunging this time.

    - clark

  3. A title to a financial article which reminded me of this post:

    Japan: Keynesian Template for Poverty

    - clark


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