Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cool & Strange Music: Japanese Maestro on a Child's Pianica Playing Classics

This is amazing. You gotta watch this for your daily laugh... But I don't mean this is silly. It's a video of a professional Japanese pianist, Suguru Ito, playing a classic on a child's toy. This is awesome!

I mean that this guy is awesome and he's playing a child's instrument. He really get's into it at 1:30.

The description from Youtube says:

The Japanese-born pianist Suguru Ito performs his own Csardas Paraphrase for melodica solo (2009) - after Vittorio Monti's celebrated Csardas. Live in Concert at the Hotel Japan Shiga.

Suguru Ito is Japanese a professional pianist who now lives is Switzerland. I gather that he is dead serious as he performs this piece here. I love his look as he has that professional musician / madman look that really fits and is quite funny and endearing.

Thanks to my wife Yuka for finding this and giving me a good laugh and also a "Wow!"

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