Thursday, July 19, 2012

Incredible Japanese Racism and Sexism! Watch From 2:23!!!! Shocking!!!!

I'm getting really sick of PC bleeding heart Liberals who say stuff like, "I dream of a world where all people are treated equal..." Yeah? That's right. Me too. But the fact of the matter is that, SURPRISE!, all people are different. I am not you and you are not me.

Men and women are different! Whites are different from blacks (thank God) and both are different from Japanese!

Sexism? Really? Only a fool thinks men and women are equal. For myself, I think women are smarter than men, but that's just me. If you think they are the same, then let's abolish "Men's" and "Women's" restrooms.

Yeah! Power to the people! Equality!

How about black people versus white people?

Should discrimination be allowed? Is there are difference between men and women? Is there a difference between white people and black people? Of course there is. Look at any NBA team and witness the difference.... Should NBA teams be forced to represent the cultural makeup of their homeland area like businesses do?

Do the Los Angeles Lakers need to represent Asians by having a Japanese player with short legs who can't jump or dunk? Do they need to make their team 40% white, 40% Hispanic and 10% black?

Do you like to walk into a Japanese restaurant in the USA and see a black guy, or a white guy, or a Korean guy making your sushi? Do you want a Japanese cook making your Kim Chee?

No? I didn't think so.

If you go into a Soul Food restaurant, do you want to be served by a guy named Suzuki or a white guy named McDonald?

No! Of course not!

PC correctness and reverse discrimination are out of control. People are not processed cheese. Everyone is different and that is a good thing. It should be celebrated and not suppressed. 

The more power we give to the government to control our lives, the more f'ed up everything is.

If you don't understand that, you are one very confused person....

Here's some racist and sexist jokes on Japanese TV!!! The government should do something about it!!!

People who don't realize that we are all different and unique (and special) are color-blind and racist and sexist.

Nah... We're all the same, right? Even if we are 1/2 or 1/4 or 1/8.....

Only fools would think so.


  1. Do you think women are given equal opportunity in Japan? Do you think the State gives them as much consideration / focus on their needs as constituents as men? You need to read up on your women's history.
    - An American Man

  2. It never ceases to amaze me how badly the reading comprehension abilities are of some people. I clearly stated, "Sexism? Really? Only a fool thinks men and women are equal. For myself, I think women are smarter than men, but that's just me."

    I agree 100% with Walter Block on this subject: "The Battle Over Political Correctness Continues".

    Oh, and PS: in over 80% of all Japanese households the woman controls the purse-strings...May I quote? "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. ....See? Women are smarter then men!

  3. I guess the recent news about the japanese women's soccer team having to fly coach is another battle where the anti-pc police got upset.

  4. Yes and I broke that news here on this blog for English readers... The day the women's soccer team leagues makes 1/4 the revenue the men's team does (or when a Japanese woman plays 1st line on a world class European team like two Japanese men have) might be the day that it becomes financial practical for the women's team to fly first class... Your PC ideas do not rectify with real-world economics... Or maybe they do? Next time the Japan women's team wins, you pay for them to fly 1st class out of your pocket. How about that?

  5. Paying? Who talked about paying? First of all, I live in the USA. Second of all, I can appreciate the irony of the situation- as many have - without having to take the brow-beating by the anti-pc thought police brigade.

  6. Ah, I love Shimura Ken! Thanks for the video. That show reminds me of Monty Python.

  7. Anonymous says, "as many have"... That's as poor an argument that I've ever heard.... No credibility in that statement at all. "Many"? Name some.

  8. "Paying? Who talked about paying?" You complains about sexism and the Japanese women's team not being able to fly 1st class while at the same time not understanding that this, as with all issues, boils down to economics?... Do you think for one second that if the Japanese women's soccer team were a hugely profitable operation they wouldn't be flying 1st class whether they won or not? You complain that they don't fly 1st class, but do not comprehend the issue enough to realize that somebody will have to pay for it... Or do you think Airlines work for charity? Should the taxpayers pay for it? Someone must pay (in order to right this that you perceive as a social injustice).

    Thinking that someone else must pay misses the problem here: Professional Soccer is a private - for profit organization. Why should the public pay tax monies to a private organization? Or do you think Washington bailing out Wall Streets banks is the right thing to do?

    You need to read up on this as your ideas are a contradiction and lack logic and common sense. Read this: "The Economics of Discrimination".

  9. I think you need to take a refresher on the definition of irony.

    I also think you should take a moment to reflect on the spirit of the Olympic Games - the ideal of the amateur athlete and how most national teams teams are funded.

    Then you need to think back at your article on those Japanese thinking of themselves as one big family and sharing the sacrifice for Japan.

    Lastly, you need to think again about that definition of irony and see how it's applicable in so many ways in this case.

  10. Olympics ? ... Yawn. And a bit sad that the corporate world has defined "value" (and a bucketload of other words) to equal ROI or Net Profit etc ... as though monetary wins are the only measure of success. These "elite" athletes have shown time-and-time-again their self-centredness (all races, genders) and constant demanding ways - not to mention doping, sniping, amorality (same people are presented to our youth as "role models" ... lol). I'm generally bored by their supposed stories of self-sacrifice or dedication ... like they somehow worked harder than my mum bringing up 6 children in a working class neighborhood.

    1st Class, Business Class, Economy Class ?? Na ... I put them all in Selfish Class.

    Move along. Nothing to see here ... - Michael Distacio

  11. Anonymous at 9:48 am is wrong on so many levels. Let's dissect them:
    1) "I also think you should take a moment to reflect on the spirit of the Olympic Games - the ideal of the amateur athlete and how most national teams teams are funded." Michael Distacio answers that one for me nicely, thank you. But I will add that the modern Olympic games have zero to do with the original idea for the Olympics. Since 1930, the Olympics have been used to further nationalism and the state and global hegemony. The Olympics are a farce...
    2) "Then you need to think back at your article on those Japanese thinking of themselves as one big family and sharing the sacrifice for Japan." You need to re read my final comment to that article (that was full of irony). My final comment was, "Indeed." Read it again, t seems you missed it the 1st time. "Setsuden: Saving Electricity Until it Kills You
    3) "Lastly, you need to think again about that definition of irony and see how it's applicable in so many ways in this case." Let me state again, "Indeed" I can see how it applies to you in so many ways.

  12. From Aaron Egon Moser:

    I dream of a world where all people are treated equal but we need to give special accommodation to people with special needs. Hahaha

  13. That guy can't be serious. The amateur athlete? There's no such thing even close to getting into the Olympics. All athletes at that levels are sponsored by deep pocket sports clothes and equipment makers (as well as soft drinks, golf, automotive)... In the USA or Japan, there's not a single world-class athlete that isn't funded that way... How do you think they can practice 7 days a week for 4 ~8 years? On food handouts? Get into the real world!

  14. I'm not going to get bogged down on whether or not the Games live up to their ideals and whether they have been corrupted.

    But this is the Olympics! The whole world is watching. Those yucks should have known better and simply traveled in the same class as their female teammates. How about donating the difference to the tsunami victims.

    Appearances matter. So clearly in this instance...

    ... and apparently shared sacrifice is not necessary if your teammates are women. Put them in the back of the bus.

    This is why the whole incident is such a disgrace for Team Japan.

    But apparently I'm PC for pointing out the obvious.

  15. Anonymous, you brought up the "ideal" of the Olympics. Not me. What did I say about someone having to pay for the seats on flights? Money talks, bullshit walks: From the JFA: "The Japan Football Association said the men flew business class because they are professionals.".
    Get it? "Professionals" as in they get paid to play on professional soccer teams and have big sponsors, the women don't... Darn it, there's that old "economics" getting in the way again...

  16. PS: Disgrace for "Team Japan"? Are you shitting me? You talk about anti-discrimination then you go and make this nationalist bullshit statement. "Team Japan"!? Who gives a shit about "Team Japan"? Only confused people and, obviously, you are one. How in the world can you complain about unfair treatment then in the next breath make an asinine statement like that?

  17. Finally, you are indirectly admitting you were racist with your Gaijin Groumet article.
    That 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 comment really got to you. All we were trying to say was wouldn't you and your kid be offended if a sign had said, "NO trouble(space)some 1/2, 1/4, 1/8s are allowed." To single out foreigners and precede it with "troublesome" is just as offensive to them as it is to do the same to mixed race or any group. You would never allow your kid to walk into such a place. It hurts doesn't it. Yes, we are all racist to a degree and you didn't help by laughing at a sign with serious implications and endorsing such a place. Hope that our mixed race kids, friends, colleagues don't have to see too many signs like that.

  18. huhh?? What is wrong with saying "Team Japan"? Isn't that like "Team USA"? Apparently you don't understand the English language. Oh wait, are you thinking I meant something denigrating? Perhaps you are like someone who questions the intent behind a sign outside a bar in Shibuya that says "we do not welcome trouble some foreigners".

    I guess you'll go down as supporting sexism on this one.

    Since the men are professional, we spend more money for them and put them in business class. You are really just going to accept that at face value?

    On anything else you'd be the uber-skeptic.

    Another example why you love to dish it, but can't stand the heat when it comes to your home-country (Japan).

  19. Anonymous, Sorry, but I took my wife and 8-year-old son to that establishment last night, as a matter of fact. Thank you very much. I don't take my kid to places where they aren't welcomed. For example ones that say, "Japanese Only" or "No Foreigners." You didn't score very well on your SAT English tests did you? "Trouble some foreigners not welcomed" is not a racist sign. Once again, it means, "Foreigners who cause trouble will not be welcomed." Once again: FACT: Now I've been there twice and not denied entry. Why? I don't cause trouble and fights.

  20. What a true moron. You wrote, "Since the men are professional, we spend more money for them and put them in business class. You are really just going to accept that at face value? "

    No. There is no "we." I don't spend any money on them. It is the associations money spent on them. It is their private property. The association makes money and survives on the men's teams (and they fund and support a money losing women's league)... Why the hell wouldn't I support what a private organization wants to do and how THEY want to SPEND THEIR MONEY?... If that is sexist, then fine. It's not. It is the bottom line, Like I said, if the women's leagues were making money and had lots of sponsors, then they'd fly 1st class everywhere, but they don't. Moron! Do you think the cheerleaders for the Dallas Cowboys fly 1st class like the Cowboys star players?

  21. Noone in Japan thinks this is strange that the women fly economy class and the men fly first class. Why? The men's teams are popular. They get 20,000 + people to their games. They have lots of sponsors. The women's teams don't get any attendance. They have no sponsors. It is not sexist at all. It is ”当たりまえ” (of course and common sense.)
    - Yuka Yamada

  22. I'm Norie Iijima.... But still puzzles me why on earth would one draw a conclusion of lack of sponsorship= sexism, therefor the girls flew economy class. (dull)

  23. Please don't tell me about my english when you are the one who never reads what people are clearly saying. With this restaurant, you already knew it is safe enough because you started off on the right foot and didn't have any bad experiences and they don't have anything against mixed-race parties, Japanese 1/2s etc, and yes, because you are not a "trouble some" person. You know what I meant - - - Would you let your young kid walk into a STRANGE place with a sign that says "NO troublesome 1/4s" for the VERY FIRST TIME BY HIM/HERSELF WITHOUT KNOWING how it really is inside? I didn't think so.
    Also lastly, you purposely took your family and again only after you have come to speaking terms with the staff and knowing they are not open racists of the snickering growling kind. You used your family to try to prove your feeble argument to us. Sir, address the issue and not hide behind words like a little boy, and admit your mistake for once.

  24. You are on the wrong side of history, my friend. For something like the Olympics, there should be one team, one travel policy. It's simple. To resist this is to be sexist. You just don't get it.

    I thought this would be crystal clear in terms of Japanese society, too. But I forgot the bit about hierarchy and its corollary, sexism.

    Lastly, I'm reminded that the only thing that seems to matter to you is money and private property. I'll add Mr. Market to that too, who is so efficient in your eyes...

    Clearly, what someone does with their property could not possibly offend you.

    What a bunch of bullocks.

  25. What a load of idiotic rubbish you toss: "Would you let your young kid walk into a STRANGE place with a sign that says "NO troublesome 1/4s" for the VERY FIRST TIME BY HIM/HERSELF WITHOUT KNOWING how it really is inside?" This is wretched and twisted logic. "Would I let me kid walk into a strange place... by himself...?" No, you idiot. Sign or not. No parent in their right mind would do that. You find a place that has a sign that says, ""NO troublesome 1/4s" and then I'll test it for you. Until then, your question is as asinine as asking, "Would you let your child walk into an inner-space time continuum?" Nope. Because it doesn't exist. Put down the Fosters and think clearly. Also, in Japan, a foreigner is a foreigner... No one can identify a half in most cases... Most Halfs look completely white. Put down the Fosters and think clearly.

  26. Dear Yuka Yamada,
    I wouldn't say "No one in Japan." Japan mistreats and does not recognize competent people often times and some of those competent ones happen to be women(not all), some men out of the countless of useless madogiwas, fresh young employees who have just entered and supposedly dont have the knowledge of their old fart senpais, foreigners who are not just loud, showy or condescending to the local Japanese. It is because of traditional archaic practices that just value men and age and their own group. That is one reason some cos don't sponsor women's teams as much as men's. By the way, I am male but neither a chauvinist or a feminist. Just someone who thinks people should be rated and awarded according to their merits.
    Lastly, I think all athletes should fly in the same, better classes so that they can all rest up for games. This country is very cheap ketchi while wasting and giving away tax money to people like Tepco and politicians who are running it into the ground.

  27. "For something like the Olympics, there should be one team, one travel policy. It's simple. To resist this is to be sexist. You just don't get it." No. You don't get it. The Olympics is a privately run NGO for profit business. GET THAT? It is a privately owned NGO and privately funded organization. People like you who obviously don't understand anything about the free market should move to North Korea or, dare I say, you missed out on the Soviet Union where the state did pay for everything. "there should be one team, one travel policy..." And, yet, there is not... If you knew how to run a business that makes 4 billion dollars every 4 years, then maybe you could tell them how to run their business. Sadly, you don't. On top of that, you are too much of a coward to even write your name. Don't bother anymore. Your comments smell and I can detect you from a mile away. Your comments will all be blocked from now on. YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY... EVEN WORSE, YOU'VE DROPPED DOWN THE MEMORY HOLE. Goodbye!

  28. Fine, I'll quit this stupid blog. You sexist pig.

  29. I am a woman and you are wrong!

    By the way, I am male but neither a chauvinist or a feminist. Just someone who thinks people should be rated and awarded according to their merits.... yet you complain when the women don't ride first class???? By their merits, they don't deserve it!

    Lastly, I think all athletes should fly in the same, better classes so that they can all rest up for games.... It doesn't matter what you think at all. Your opinions are just that. It only matters what the people who are paying for this think.

    Yuka Yamada (president of a company in Tokyo since 1992)

  30. Dear Mike,
    Thanks for your reply.

    "You find a place that has a sign that says, ""NO troublesome 1/4s" and then I'll test it for you. Until then, your question is as asinine .... Nope. Because it doesn't exist."

    Exactly, that is my point. A sign that forbade "troublesome 1/4s" is ridiculous and shouldn't exist along with signs that say "troublesome foreigners."

    "NO troublesome customers" I can understand.

    Why don't you do us a favor and the next time you go back, ask them the whole detailed story behind it(no, Ken's relayed info was inadequate) and whether gaijins really are more troublesome than the Japanese who go there for cheap beer.

  31. Well, as a matter of fact, I did ask them the very first time I went there. Would it matter to you? I doubt it. I asked them, "You had trouble with foreigners before?" They laughed and said, we used to and had to call the police a few times but haven't since we put up the sign." To which I replied, "OK, well, I'll try not to cause trouble!" They were very welcoming and pleasant.... Which makes the point that "troublesome people don't read signs" seem suspect, no?

  32. PS: You clowns talk about racism and discrimination and you use these silly examples? Ha! I'll tell you what: You raise a little girl who is handicapped in a wheelchair (and will be all her life) and try to get her into schools etc... Then tell me about your stupid-assed PC correct nonsense. Like I said, I walk the walk. When the local school said no to her admission because they had no handicapped facilities, I paid out of my own pocket to install an elevator at that school... Now, others may benefit from that effort. Or should I have complained and had elevators installed at every public school in Japan like, if we take your logic to its ultimate conclusion, that would be demanded? Aaron Moser's comment is right on target: "I dream of a world where all people are treated equal but we need to give special accommodation to people with special needs. Ha! ha! Ha!"

  33. Yeah everyone is equal, but we should treat people according to their merits?! That is a contradiction. If everyone is equal then we don't need to stand up for old people or pregnant women on the train or we don't need to build handicapped facilities... Or, as you pointed out, Mens and Womens public bathrooms should be abolished... These people just aren't thinking, Mike. They've been brainwashed by too much public education. -D.L.

  34. Mike,
    Thanks for your answer re asking the place about the sign. Of course it matters to me.

    BTW, I am not PC at all and somewhat of a racist and sexist but I sure don't like it when men, women, victims in Tohoku, whoever don't get treated humanely while the corp bosses and leaders pocket money that are not meant for them.

    Dear Yamada Shachou,
    "... you are wrong!...they don't deserve it...It doesn't matter what you think at all. Your opinions are just that. It only matters what the people who are paying for this think."

    Spoken like a proud, confident to no limits, 'successful' shachou! to whom money means everything since you are paying for it.

    I hope all similar thinking bosses enjoy their silk suits and Louis Vuittons and BMWs because by their merits, they "deserve" it. While it lasts. And when their luck or acumen runs out for some reason, whether due to the economy or a natural disaster, they simply won't deserve it anymore. Be sure to remember this blog when that happens.

    Not all things in this world should be based on beancounting and making comfortable those who represent our country is one area not to be cheap about. Especially when the tops in such associations often skim the money meant to go to the athletes.

  35. That's all fine and dandy but going back to an earlier comment. Is wondering about the status of women in Japan just stupid assed pc correct nonsense? You seem to ignore how power structures oppress so many.

  36. Thanks.
    I wont argue with you about anything except your last line: "Not all things in this world should be based on beancounting and making comfortable those who represent our country is one area not to be cheap about."
    No, not all things in this world are about bean counting. That's why people have families and loved ones to care for.
    "making comfortable those who represent our country" This is nationalist bullshit. You think those people "represent our country" because you watch way too much TV and actually believe that professional sports are not a corrupt and slimy business from the top down. All professional sports (the Olympics are professional sports) are corrupt. The more money that is involved, the more corrupt they are. I can't believe that any intelligent adult doesn't know that today. You need to read about the revival of the Premier League who hired a famous Madison Avenue advertising firm to turn around a nearly bankrupt league in the 70s using tactics that turned the NFL into a huge money maker: that tactic was "Tribalism." The Olympics use tribalsim too on a national scale. Even Juvenal wrote about that over 2,000 years ago. The actual phrase is 'Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt'
    Coined by the Roman poet Juvenal in the first Century in his Satires lamenting the continuing slide of his former Roman Republic into dictatorship.
    The term refers to entertainment, sports or offerings intended to foil discontent or distract attention from a situation. In ancient Rome, bread and circuses were used to keep the underprivileged poor people quiet.

  37. Do you think women in America are too brassy?

  38. You wrote, " Is wondering about the status of women in Japan just stupid assed pc correct nonsense? You seem to ignore how power structures oppress so many." No wondering about anything is not bad. Wondering about power structures? I wonder why you want to discuss such a difficult and multi-faceted issue here? I wonder why you don't write your own blog where you can discuss all you want? I wonder why I even bother answering these questions for one person? You wonder on theoretical issues. I speak in facts and examples. Write your own blog and get into detail there, please! I might comment if the writing is cohesive. So far it isn't at all. "Power structures?" Like specifically what? (Please that's a rhetorical question and I don't want to hear your answer because I've discussed this thing on TV and radio with professionals many times before... I don't need to with unstudied laymen. No offense.

  39. This just in: "Anger as women basketballers miss out on business class travel

    TONY EASTLEY: Australia's basketball administrators are being criticised for allowing the men's team to fly to London in business class while the women's squad was left to fly premium economy.

    While premium economy is more comfortable than regular cattle class, seats don't fully recline and there's less leg room than business.

    Basketball Australia says the women's squad chose the cheaper option. AM has been told the reason has more to do with the women's squad getting less funding."

    Yes. I wonder if "getting less funding" has anything to do with profitability?

  40. And totally I still think it is sexist. The fact that it is in Australia only makes it worse, since that society doesn't have the same tolerance for sexism as a country such as Japan.

  41. Are American women too Brassy? I don't understand the question. I have been in Japan for over 28 years and vernacular is constantly changing. I looked this up: BRASSY (brassier, brassiest)
    Pronunciation (US):
    Dictionary entry overview: What does brassy mean?
    • BRASSY (adjective)
    The adjective BRASSY has 3 senses:
    1. resembling the sound of a brass instrument
    2. tastelessly showy
    3. unrestrained by convention or propriety

    I have no idea. I think you mean #2, right? Of course some are and some aren't. That's obvious.

  42. Brassy as in too strong/upitty...

  43. No. You are the sexist one. My logic works this way: It is too expensive to pay for business class on a business venture that doesn't make money. I don't care if were talking about men, women or dwarves.
    You are the sexist one here. You claim that "people should be judged on merits" yet you want these people judged and treated better because of their sex. My friend, that is a crass contradiction. I don't know how to pont it out to you and simpler than that... This is all about money. YOU are the one talking about sex and wanting to treat people differently NOT on merit, but by their sex. You are the sexist here.

  44. I think people should be treated by merit. For example, Team A is profitable and makes money. They fly business class. Team B is not profitable and losing money. Judging by merit, should Team B fly business class?

    Now, add in sexist ideology: Oh, but because team B are women, they should be treated better.... Hello? What happened to "treating people equally judging them by merit?" If you treat the women differently, then that is sexist. Please explain how I am wrong on that point.

    PS: I bring this up because, as you can see, this sort of thing is going on all over the world right now. The true sexists (the PC crowd) say stuff like, "Everyone is equal!" But when it comes right down to it, they don't want people to be treated equally. If it were the other way around and the men's team were losing money and they traveled economy and the women were money makers traveling Business, no one would complain. This is a grand example of people's perverted and ill considered Political correctness gone mad.

  45. I totally agree that sports and Olympics are corrupt as heck. I don't watch it myself and couldn't care if the martians win. But once athletes are good enough to be selected to go and there are hopeful youngsters (yes, young and yet clueless to the money workings of the world) and tired meek douched over by the govt salary folks who want to watch it to forget their troubles briefly, shouldn't the associations that make obscene amounts of money through ads, products, subsidies, tax benefits, etc. be spending it a bit more than usual for their Olympics teams? I am just saying the Japanese are super stingy about supporting people, in this case, athletes, who have worked hard and may be giving a morale boost to the people in their countries (albeit they will always be clueless cattle). Hardly any Japanese would complain about better seats to any athlete who is talented and trained hard to go to the Olympics. Of course, if one says, why help the athletes because they also are in it for themselves, using their naturally given physique to get a big TV commercial contract and then a sportscaster spot one day as their belly gets bigger while they drink at pubs all night, I can't argue against that...

    And re "In ancient Rome, bread and circuses were used to keep the underprivileged poor people quiet" , nowadays its ipods for every person in the world and stupid reality shows in the U.S. and idiotic comedians that fill up a quarter of airtime on Japanese TV.

  46. man, i love when there are over 45 comments of people bashing each other left and right! the comments are better than the original article. more!

  47. I don't see where anyone else caught that, but I did. Mike says he wants to see people judged by merit? Was that a joke or are you being facetious? I gather that, on the one hand, you believe in private property rights (i.e. people are allowed and expected to) discriminate on private property... But on public property, you believe that people shouldbe judged by merits? Ha! I get it! I'm onto your tricks, Mike! Most don't ctach it, but some of us do! Well played! well played! - D. L.

  48. Thanks D.L.!

    Yes. That's right. I was wondering if someone would pick up on that.... But, the funny thing is understanding the natural freedoms and rights of man. I want people to get that point most of all. What I want to do is for me and not for me to judge how others should do ( and vice versa). (I know you get this point). I know what is best for me only. I don't know what is best for you. I should not judge what you do with your money and your property AS LONG AS YOU COMMIT NO AGGRESSION AGAINST ME. (Of course if you beat your spouse on your own property, that is committing a crime, a different subject than denying entry to a restaurant). That is Libertarian philosophy. Not allowing certain people or sexes into a private establishment is not in any way committing aggression against another person.

    (Back to the original notion: Why would anyone want to enter somewhere where they are not wanted?)

    Why would people try to force the government to make other people bend to their will or subscribe to their subjective philosophies? This is not the Soviet Union or North Korea. People have to respect each and other people's property.

    I wish people were judged by merits.... On private property, though, I cannot dictate to others, nor pass laws, ordering them what to do and who to associate with. That is plain and simple madness.

    Again, I know what's best for me. I don't know what's best for you and vice versa. Until people get that in their heads, they will continually make philosphical errors in reasoning as I pointed out in "Why is it only Sexist when bad things happen to Women but not the other why around?".

  49. Hello Mike,

    It seems strange, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon West, how powerful the accusation of sexism/racism is currently. Outside of sex crimes and murder, I know of no other thing, that can ostracize one to the general public to such a degree, or end a career so quickly.

    The public is reluctant to spread false rumours of rape and murder, but with accusations of sexism/racism, on the contrary, it seems to almost gleefully encourage them, many times with very little evidence, if not outright lies.

    It seems strange how many in these comments, when reading something they disagree with, tend to act like a apparatchik under communism. The
    supposed outrage to your argument, along with their ad hominem attacks seem rather perplexing and bizarre.

    It seems that in the fifties, the mere rumour of being a communist could destroy individuals, or even whole families. In the twenty-first century, they can be destroyed be a rumour of being sexist/racist.

    I dread to see where this modern witchhunt will go.



Comments must be succinct & relevant to the story. Comments are checked frequently and abusive, rude or profane comments will be deleted. I’m just one of many bloggers who answer questions online and sometimes for the press. I usually handle questions about Japan, marketing or the economy, so in those areas I’m more likely to make sense and less likely to say something really stupid. If I post something here that you find helpful or interesting, that’s wonderful. This is my personal blog. If you don't like what you have read here then, just like when you go into a restaurant or bar that allows smoking, if you don't like it, there's something at the front that has hinges on it and it is called a "door."