Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yeah: Protecting American Freedoms off the coast of Iran:

This needs no comment from me:

Those trigger happy US sailors are causing some diplomatic headaches again for Hillary Clinton who this time has no Syrian anti-aircraft missiles to blame, by firing on a friendly ship, killing one and injuring three, off the coast of Dubai. Per the AP: "A U.S. Consulate official in Dubai says an American vessel has fired on a boat off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, killing one person and injuring three. The official gave no further details, but it appears the boat could have been mistaken as a threat in Gulf waters not far from Iran's maritime boundaries. An Emirati rescue official confirmed the casualty toll. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the incident between the two allies. The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, which is based in Bahrain, said it was investigating the Monday shooting. The U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi had no immediate comment." So far so bad, but where it gets even worse is that over the weekend.... (Read more)
And as is par for the course, whenever I post something like this, I will be called "anti-American." As if it is "American" to be running a world-wide imperialist empire.

I wonder what Americans would think if, say, the Chinese or Russians, were shooting at and sinking ships off the coast of Texas or near Southern California?

1 comment:

  1. We don't yet know the full story on this one.


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