Thursday, September 27, 2012

Woman Dies in Fukushima!

Finally the news says something about someone in Fukushima dying. But it’s not what you think! It’s not from the nuclear disaster or radiation. No! This poor old woman was killed by a bear!

Now, doesn’t that just take the cake? Poor old woman survives the earthquakes, the tsunamis, the radiation only to end up getting killed by a bear???....

Japan Today has the story:

82-year-old woman dies after apparent bear attack in Fukushima

An 82-year-old woman died after apparently being attacked by a bear in Kitaka City, Fukushima Prefecture, on Wednesday morning.

According to police, the woman’s body was found at around 8:30 a.m. in a field by her home, where she had gone to work, TBS reported. She had bite marks on her head and a bear’s footprints were seen around the body.

The area is about 4 kilometers from the center of the city, with schools and many residences nearby. Police issued an alert for people to be on the lookout for a bear.

What!? “Police issued an alert for people to be on the lookout for a bear.”
Description: “Calling all cars! Be on the lookout for a suspect that is big, brown, weighs about 170 kilograms, furry. Black nose, walking on all fours. Question and apprehend.”

1 comment:

  1. I know several people who fit that description...


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