Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Computer Problems, Writer's Block and Blogging

I haven't been blogging as much recently. My apologies.

There's been two problems recently that I have to explain (and I must add that I hate excuses...) but the first was killing my computer.

I went to a drinking establishment with a potential business partner and, after several drinks, I just couldn't resist the urge to show him my new business. Big mistake! As I opened up my MacBook Pro and booted it up to show him the wonderful business idea I had, he said,

"Just a second, Mike. I gotta go to the restroom."

When he stood up, he knocked over his glass full of alcohol right on top of my keyboard. I just watched in total shock. It was like watching the Titanic!

The keyboard was completely underwater for a few seconds. I felt like I couldn't move. I knew it was done for.... And it was. It clicked off. Lifeless. Dead to the world.

Luckily for me the Genius people at Apple looked at my computer and they were able to recover all the information off the hard drive... I guess that's why they call the service counter at Apple Stores, "Genius Bar"... Those folks really are the best...

I'll never even look at a Windows computer ever again.... But, even though I backed up my data, most of my programs no longer ran because they weren't on my main drive....So I didn't have any word-processing software until I installed it just yesterday....

But, anyway, soon after the "Titanic sinking" happened, I was to find out that another company was thinking the same thing as me and they came out with a service that is a carbon copy of what I was doing...

Once again, a Start-up (mine, this time) has serious problems due to under-funding... That caused me much distress.

I haven't given up yet, but the mountain I have to climb to do something positive about the situation has risen considerably.

This has weighed quite heavily on my mind....

And that's why, I suppose, I am having a bout of Writer's Block...

It's not the first time for Writer's Block. I go through times when I can write volumes in a few hours... Then times, like these last few weeks, when I have a problem even getting the engine started.

I do know, though, to beat Writer's Block, one must force themselves to write. Hence, this boring blog post....

I hope to go back to blogging everyday and writing some fun and interesting things like this "My Life is Like a "B" Horror Movie" from today....


  1. I haven't been reading as much as I usually do. Is that reader's block? Or information saturation?

    And, it's Fall, time to get ready for Winter. I'm not moving very fast at that either.

    - clark

  2. One other thing, didn't Microsoft buy Apple?

    - clark

  3. Unfortunately, I feel that your story could be told by lots of people all across the world. Most of us have this sudden strike of inspiration, when some great ideas come to mind. The thing is, as it often turns out, these ideas are already being implemented by some big shots of the IT market.
    I don't know what to make out of this. Maybe someone else got more lucky to push their product through?


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