Monday, November 19, 2012

More Fatal Than the Atomic Bomb and Fukushima Radiation? No Question..

So many scream about Fukushima... And nuclear radiation... 

Why aren't they screaming about those poor kids in the Middle East?

But the silence on sanctions against Iraq and, now, Iran, is deafening.

Thanks to Lew


  1. Greetings Mike,

    I am going to be brutally honest and rather direct. Please excuse me for a bit.

    With the political warring going on between the left and the right in the US over abortion, whether or not the fetus is a person, whether or not abortion should remain legal, and finally, whether or not abortion is murder, is a rather complex series of problems and questions.

    I have a rather simple solution, which will make make both the left and the right shut up about abortion. Give all of the aborted babies Iraqi citizenship. That way, one won't hear a peep from either.

    I'm never sure with all of the proclamations from the US, as being the most Christian country on earth, is a boast, or a threat.

    Mr. Nobody

  2. Pro-war christians couldn't possibly be considered real Christians, could they? Sick hypocrites is more apt.

  3. Greetings again.

    I'm not sure what is the seed of most violence, hate, indifference, or even love.

    I'm rather flummoxed to how blind Americans seem. 'If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.'

    More importantly, to the results, most Americans seems either in love, or at best indifferent, with regards to the cripples and corpses.

    -Kind regards

  4. You can tell the real humanists apart from the ones who are just trying to make money from being anti-nuclear, because you hear them ranting about both, i.e. children in Fukushima + Gaza.


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