Monday, March 11, 2013

Springtime Plums and Other Japanese Flowers at Okamoto Park

There's an old restored Japanese home near Seta that has been there since the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) and it has been standing at Okamoto park in Setagaya-Ku. It is a beautiful area. Today I went on a distance walk so I decided to visit and take some springtime in Japan photos. 

The old house is well over 200 years old. It has the thatched roof that was common and earthen floors. I wrote about the earthen floors and how the Japanese still, even in those days, didn't allow shoes inside the house here in: The Japanese Have No Holes in Their Socks

These are the plum blossoms in the top right of the photo of the old house above.

The old Okamoto house was the home of a wealthy farmer. Outside there are many ancient tools and old machinery. In the house, you can see the way people lived in those days. Entrance is free and there is an entire forest and mountain area surrounding. 

Looks like a wagon wheel from the Old West

Alongside the road, there is a stream and a pond with scores of carp. Today I saw many minnows as a sign of the rebirth of spring. You can see a minnow at the top right of the photo.

These bluish white flowers were growing in the grass

I'm not a florist so I am not familiar with the names of these flowers. But the red beauties were growing on a tree also, like the plums.

Once again, growing on a large tree

A bamboo grove stands at the foot of a large hill that leads to a museum and a forest at the top of the hill.

Rows of plum trees with their blossoms brightly blooming... But still, not yet, full bloom!

Fantastic pink colored plum blossoms

Another close up view

Beautiful white plums 

To see more beautiful Japanese flowers, see: Japan Hanami Season is Almost Here! Hanami Party! 

All photos taken with an iPhone 4!

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