Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Taro Aso and My Bankrupt T-Shirt Company

Shit!!!! I had 1000 of these T-shirts made but the guy (his name is Taro Aso) is no longer Prime Minister of Japan.... What am I gonna do with all these T-Shirts????? Tシャツいっぱい作ったけど、賞味期限がすぎちゃった。どうしよう。。在庫1000枚以上あるよ〜。

1 comment:

  1. Ha.
    You could probably still sell them in the unitedstate. I know of several people who would probably buy them if they saw them, just because it's kind of funny and says, aso.
    On second thought, maybe they wouldn't.

    They might make good rags?

    In your spare time cut them up into tiny pieces to sell as gun cleaning cloths,... oh wait, you guys don't have guns.

    Umm,... Man, a thousand is a LOT of t-shirts.

    ...Donate them to Goodwill and get a recite and use it as a tax deduction?

    ...Turn them inside-out and make cheap pillows out of them?

    ... Man, a thousand is a LOT of t-shirts.

    ... You have a lifetime of lawnmowing/working-on-the-car/painting t-shirts.

    - IndividualAudienceMember


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