Thursday, November 12, 2015

Open Borders Immigration? How's that working out for you?

There are many who claim that Japan should open her borders and allow mass immigration. I think that's crazy.

There are a few writers here (mostly foreigners) who think we should allow immigration like the USA and Europe does. They point to Europe and the USA as to good examples of how Open Borders works out.

I wonder what planet they are living on? There's a reason Japan has a basically zero unemployment problem. There's also a reason why Japan leads in robotics and in many areas of that type of technology.

Japan has lots of problems, the last thing Japan needs is a bunch of unskilled migrants and a high unemployment number.

Or events like this video from Europe.

This is a scary video that's gone viral all throughout the world.

1 comment:

  1. If only Canada could do the same and shut down their borders.

    Like Japan, they are also (thankfully) separated from the refugees but an ocean.

    Has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe the reason that third world countries are the way they are is because of the mindset of the people living in them?


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