Monday, January 8, 2018

My Interview on BBC Flagship News Program, Newsday!

I was interviewed in Russia on Dec. 14, 2017, by Kasia Madera the main host of the BBC flagship news program, Newsday! Newsday is broadcast to over 200 countries and has 90 million viewers a day! We talked about "Ghostroads - A Japanese Rock n Roll Ghost Story" and the 2017 Sochi International Film Festival and Awards! Thanks Kasia! See you in Japan soon! 

12月14日ソチ国際映画祭のためにロシア・ソチに滞在中、プロデューサーのマイク・ロジャースが、カシア・マデラさん(英国BBC放送のNewsday ー毎日全世界200カ国900万人が視聴する番組ーのメインニュースキャスター)から映画「ゴーストロード」とソチ国際映画祭についてインタビューを受けました!カシアさん!ありがとうございます!放送日が決定したらお知らせします。


  1. Any public link to watch it online?

  2. I'm hoping the festival organizers at Sochi International Film Festival and Awards send me a link! (I don't have a TV!) I think it is going to air soon as they just sent this to me yesterday!


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