Thursday, September 23, 2010

Steve Jobs is in the News for Doing Something Stupid Again!

Hey, is it just me or does it seem like Steve Jobs has done a bunch of stupid things recently?

What did he do this time? Well, I guess he got pissed off and snappy at some college girl's persistence and, instead of just deleting her e-mail, he stupidly wrote back an idiot response.

(Hey Steve! Don't I remember somewhere when you said that people these days have to be persistant to be successful?)

An article from PR Daily reports:

A college journalism student in New York says she’s learned a valuable lesson on customer service and business from none other than Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Last week, Chelsea Isaacs was working on an assignment about iPads as a teaching tool when she decided to track down quotes from off-campus sources. She called Apple's PR department six times, but there was no answer. Isaacs managed to find an email address for Steve Jobs himself, and she fired off a message. Jobs, as he’s known to sometimes do, wrote back — with a cold response, which sparked a verbal battle between the two. Our goals, he said, do not include helping you get a good grade. Isaacs asked: “If you get a message from a customer isn't it your job to return the call? That's what I always thought, but I guess it's not one of your goals.” Among Jobs’ final words: “Nope … please leave us alone.” — Susan Young Related ABC News Isaacs appeared on “Good Morning America” yesterday to talk about the incident. Apple PR’s response? [Crickets] Here’s the video. 

Come on, Steve... You are our hero... Why do you keep doing these dumb things and making yourself look stupid? You are starting to act like a grouchy old man and it's not cool.

Go to ABC News:


Keywords: Steve Jobs, Apple, Mike in Tokyo Rogers, Marketing Japan, college girl, Mike Rogers

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