Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pet Washing Machines

This was sent to me by a friend who saw this on My friend asks, "Is this for real?"

I have no idea. I have never seen anything like this in Japan, but I might not doubt that they exist. Any pet owners in Japan can verify this for me?


Japanese pet owners are trying to save money in today’s recession by having their dogs and cats washed in a specially designed machine instead of using groomers. 

Cruel and unusual punishment?
 More and more people in the suburbs of Tokyo are using the vending machines that wash, rinse and blow dries their pets in about 30 minutes, Ananova reports. 

A groomer at Joyful Honda pet market claims the process uses pure ozone water and is completely safe for the pet. One user, however, admitted it took his Yorkshire terrier a while to get used to the dryer. 

The vending machine wash costs about $5 compared to approximately $30 for grooming. 

Small print: $150 may be needed for pet therapy afterward.

1 comment:

  1. Most, if not all, cats hate being washed. The cat in the video was definitely traumatized. Cheap or not, I'm 100% against this concept.

    If the Japanese need cheap pet grooming, they should bring in cheap labor and offer low-priced services (like they're doing in the restaurant industry). In the meantime, they'll charge whatever the public is willing to spend. The consumers are the idiots that don't wash their pets at home (as others do in the US) and pay the ridiculous prices being offered by groomers.

    Someone should report the manufacturer of the machines to the humane society...



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