Friday, July 29, 2011

No Nuclear Power? Dangers of Natural Gas!

Here's an interesting video about the dangers of natural gas mining. Food for thought...

"Fracking Hell"

Thanks to Douglas Phillips!


  1. I intend to watch the video later, the title made me think of this other related video I saw awhile back:

    Gasland director hides full facts

    Filmmaker and journalist Phelim McAleer asks Josh Fox, the director of Gasland, some inconvenient questions about the accuracy of his Oscar-nominated documentary.

  2. I watched this video. It was instructive.

    There are probably a million details in our lives today that indirectly cause terrible damage to our environment.

    Do people think about how much pollution every little thing we use causes? No, we don't.

    Instead we like to demonize a few things like super market plastic bags, radiation, petroleum (except when they fly business class or drive their car) and so on.

    Human beings have evolved into beings that are very good at ignoring the inconvenient facts about daily convenience. :)


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