Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beautiful Views of Japan Taken With Cellphones!

It's a Sunday morning at 10:30 am here in Tokyo and I've been up since 4 am doing work. I'm pooped and it's hot as heck out there!

So, since it is Sunday, I want to relax.... How about a Japan photo mini-matsuri?

Here's some photos that my friends have taken in Japan recently that I thought were wonderful and, simply enough, these were taken with cell phones. 

That's Sheena (OK, that one is not taken with a cellphone!)

I took this photo of my mini-barbecue (Shichirin) and my favorite BBQ squid!

InterFM DJ George Cockle took this wonderful photo of the shore off Enoshima (Look very closely and you can see the outline of Mt. Fuji)....

Alright, already! A friend says he can't see Mt. Fuji. There it is marked in red. The arrow shows the snow line:

Tsukasa Sato took this breathtaking view of Tokyo

Toru Tsuno captured this great shot of Mt. Fuji in spring

Takatoshi Uchiyama from 76.1 InterFM shot this great photo of Zushi beach

I was going to work one day when I came upon this gentleman and his friends going to play baseball. I loved that handlebar moustache! I shot the photo with my iPhone then used Photoshop to add the baseball diamond in the background to give it a "Baseball card" feel.

James F. Setz took this great late afternoon shot of Tokyo (Shinjuku)

My ex-wife, Masako, with my daughters Wendy and Sheena at Narita Temple. (That's Sheena who was in the kimono at the very top of this article).

1 comment:

  1. Very nice photos... Mt. Fuji? Never saw it, still don't believe it exists.
    Uh... how old is Sheena? Love the kimono shot!
    Photoshop? Dammit! I want to learn how to do Photoshop! You are correct! That gent's moustache is awesome!


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