Monday, August 27, 2012

The Making of a "Geisha" in Photos

Several years ago my friend, Ken Nishikawa (you can see his Youtube channel here), and I shot a commercial for an anniversary for the Fiat 500cc.

This is the making of that commercial:

Here are some of the stills from that commercial... This is the process that most people never see: The making of a "Geisha." 

All photos by Ayumi Maeno. Thanks to Matsuchiyo and Koichi for the costume and dressing. (Who is Matsuchiyo? Watch this....) As I recall, the entire make up and dressing for the "Geisha" took about 4.5 hours.

This is like a religious experience..... Enjoy!


  1. I've seen this commercial! Nice work. 4.5 hours to dress and do make-up??!! How long did it take to make the darn commercial?


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