「すき家 デイ!」フライング?今スタート!リクエスト曲もOK! 誕生日もOK! 全部のメールに「すき家!」書けば、プレゼント当たるかも!Twitter: #wtfすき家 メールは wtf@interfm.jp
All things about the media, marketing, business, Japan and other musings by Mike in Tokyo Rogers.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Today! 今日4月26日「すき家デー」Free Gift Coupons!
「すき家 デイ!」フライング?今スタート!リクエスト曲もOK! 誕生日もOK! 全部のメールに「すき家!」書けば、プレゼント当たるかも!Twitter: #wtfすき家 メールは wtf@interfm.jp
Friday, April 24, 2015
今週日曜日!インターFMのWTF? X すき家 = 美味しい牛丼プレゼント!
4月26日(日)インターFMのWTF? は...みんな大好き!お肉たっぷり新サイズになった’すき家’から「牛丼(並)無料お食事券3枚+赤さじ3本」をセットで10名様にプレゼント!受付は今から!メール(wtf@interfm.jp)に「すき家」と書いて送信してね。(WTF? InterFM 朝8時〜11時)
Sukiya Rocks!
すき家の牛丼は 4/15 より、お肉たっぷりの新サイズになっています!ご来店をお待ちしております!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Vote! Hot Sexy Babes and Hot Picks In the Japanese Local Erections!
"I'm lucky. You're lucky. We're all lucky!" - Magenta (from the Rocky Horror Picture Show)
I live in Tokyo. It's peaceful here; the cops never bash in people's heads; the Japanese police haven't shot anyone in 3 or 4 years and there's basically no crime to speak of. And, if you are a foreigner, then you are probably the most dangerous person within a 500 meter radius of yourself.
So it's pretty safe, quiet, chilled out and and nice place to live. Tokyo rawks!
Poster Board thingy by my house that shows all the folks running for "guvner" of the local area as well as other cogs in the political machine. |
Every once in a while, though, the locals get restless and they hold some rituals. Some of these rituals are contests for the central government that resides in a giant underground cavern downtown (kind of like the Morlocks) and then there's the local rituals where you see people standing around the train stations talking about something or another into megaphones to people who all walk by and seem to pay no attention at all to their antics.
These ancient rituals, whose beginnings are dark and murky and unbeknownst to the average local, are kind of the same as when you foreigners in the west hold your modern versions of Rain Dance to open the heavens and bring prosperity and a bountiful harvest in the coming year.
These "Pagan rituals" (hereinafter referred to as: "elections") are organized and ran by the local witch doctors so the local herded mammals feel empowered to vote some people - people of whom they will never meet, nor would they even wish to - to rule over them; so, when it comes to tax time, they feel like they can't complain; for it is these very special individuals (who the herded mammalia 'voted' for), who have the right to spend other people's money lining the pockets of their friends for some reason or another.
How lucky we are to be able to vote in these facades of democracy that modern societies hold! No bread and circuses for us! No! No!
Anyhow, there's some sort of election going on. Since one politician ain't much different from another, I thought I'd share my insights with you, dear reader, on whom you should vote for... I mean, if you could vote, but you can't. What I mean to say is that foreigners are not allowed to vote. But we can look at sexy babes, right?
Hey! Didn't we have a revolution about this "Taxation without representation" crap? We did! Never mind. Either way, I can't really imagine bothering to hold a revolution demanding the right to vote when:
a) I don't vote anyway.
b) Voting is a waste of time.
c) "It matters not who casts the votes, but who counts the votes." - Joe Stalin
What I want to say is that I don't vote. But I do look at hot and sexy babes. And if I did vote, the following is who I would vote for. So, get your "pencils" out guys. 'Cause I'm about to give you the "Hot Picks" in this erection!
OK. Let's get the rules straight: All of these people are politicians which means they are lying sacks of dog doo-doo. That being a given, then, we know that voting for some sort of 'moral character' seems a dodgy proposition, if not laughable, at best. And since most of my picks are hot women, we want them with questionable moral fortitude! Also, since politics are all a scam and a farce, the only beneficial part to the entire political process for the drinking man is the entertainment value. This being true, then I say we vote for the best looking or most interesting looking people.
As the great Will Rogers once wrote: "Politics is the best show in America. I love animals and I love politicians, and I like to watch both of 'em at play, either back home in their native state, or after they've been captured and sent to a zoo, or to Washington."
So now onto my recommendations on how you should vote! I only chose a few from the huge billboard because most of those people are olde pharttes and, like I said, "they's all 'bout the same."
Miss Fukuda (Miss Lucky Field). She wears the white jacket with the pink pink sides and is carrying an extra four pounds. She is also one of the older mares in today's race. But, what the hell, she's much easier to look at than the other guys who all seem to have evolved from male toads in the Pleistocene Period. Outside chance of surprising many. 8 to 1 odds. 2 1/2 votes.
Miss Sato is definitely a contender in this race. Get her all liquored up and I'll bet she could make most guys stand up and vote! Wow! Not bad! She's a hottie! 7 1/2 votes!
What's this? Some guy? You kidding me? Well, OK, Yamamoto gets a long shot 30 -1 chance. But he is in there because he is only one of two people in the race who have beards (well, some of these ladies might have beards too - haven't you ever heard of Photoshop?) I figure that since Yamamoto has a beard he must be kinda cool and likes Jazz Music. His minus points are because, for some reason, I suspect he might have been a hippie in his youth and wore flairs. 3 1/2 votes.
Ah? Hold the presses! Miss Hiuchi. She's still looks the same after all these years! My wife says she's been using the same photo for her posters for at least ten years or more. But, with the lights out, admit it, you'd still hit it! I still see her on these posters because I have no idea who wins or loses these elections, so I am assuming she is like a relief pitcher; you know, 8 wins and 6 losses with a 3.78 era. So what if she's much older than these photos show! I can still dream, can't I? Anyway, she's much easier on the eyes than 95% of the others, so she gets a nod and is currently at 12 - 1 odds. 7 votes.
What's this? Another stupid dude? Tell me it ain't so, Joe! But it is. Mr. Kuroki is here for two reasons: Not only does he have a lot of hair like our (suspected) former hippie, Mr. Yamamoto (above), but he's got a dammed human with him holding him up! Let me explain; everyone around here has a dumb dog. These dogs are treated in this area as the highest order of the animal kingdom. Humans second (back of the bus with you, stinkin' foreigner!) So, dogs in Setagaya are of a higher social strata. Dumb animals like humans, follow them around and wrap up their poop in plastic bags then take it home as souveniers (go figure!) So this is, I suspect, actually a trick poster. The dog is running for office, the hippie with the white beard is merely a handler and cleans up after him. That being the case, and this being Setagaya where dogs are of a higher social order than even the local landowners, then I give this dog a 3 - 1 chance of being elected. 8 3/4 votes.
...Folks, it is what it is. I didn't create society. I just live here.
Woah! This is it! Miss Shaku! Break out the baby oil! Hold the mayo!
♬Miss Shaku! Miss Shaku! ♬Miss Shaku! Oh, baby I love you!♬
Miss Shaku is hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!!!!!!
Do I need to write more? Judge for yourself! Here's her qualifications:
1) I wouldn't kick Miss Shaku out of my futon for eating rice crackers in a million years!
2) She is babe-licious!
3) "If she were president of the United States, her name would be Babe-raham Lincoln!" - Garth
I'm in love with Miss Shaku!
Can you tell that I dig everything about her platform? I'm voting for her to not only be my local representative, but mayor, queen and Dominatrix Sex Goddess of the entire nation of Nippon!
Wow! She is the best!
20 - 1 odds (because the people I like never win) but 10 out of 10 Stars!
Wow! Have you noticed how this room has gotten all hot and sweaty? Time to take a cold shower!
Well, that's it for this time folks. I've picked the best of the field for you and hope you make the right choice if you vote (or be smart and just stay home because if voting could change anything, it would be made illegal.)
Like I said, it doesn't matter who wins, because nothing changes. The only thing I really care about is if the new people fix the pothole in front of my house. Besides that, I want them to just leave me alone...
Or to make the next election cycle posters in bathing suits.
Pothole in road by my house. Been slowly sinking for months... Different sections of the local government have all come out to see it; they all claim it is the duty of a different section to repair this. Talk about a run around!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Ninja Slayer From Animation, the TV Show, and Sexy Ninja Girls! Starts Tonight on Niconico April 16, 11 pm Japan Time.
Ninja Slayer From Animation begins tonight April 16, 2015 at 11 pm Japan time. (Check what time that is in your local time here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/japan/tokyo).
Ninja Slayer manga has been a smash hit in 15 countries but now the animation begins! And, yes, you can watch it all over the world!
Here's the link to click to watch tonight April 16, 2015 at 11 pm Japan time:
Here's the basic story:
Also, with Ninja Slayer, begins "The TV Show" (ザ・TVショウ). The TV show is created by yours truly and my partner in crime, Ken Nishikawa with Motoyoshi Tai (as the bad guy producer).
The TV Show is a short variety show that begins immediately after the first Ninja Slayer anime ends. It is wild and has back information on the musicians and making of the theme tracks for the animation. It's also full of sexy ninja girls!
Here's the trailer for the TV Show:
Check it out tonight! Ninja Slayer From Animation begins tonight April 16, 2015 at 11 pm Japan time. Here's the link to click to watch tonight:
Oh, and I did mention sexy Ninja Girls? You bet!
Trust me, you'll want to watch this show! Here's Mina Shirakawa, the co-host.... There's more of this on tonight's show!
(Check what time that is in your local time here:
Monday, April 13, 2015
The Argument at the Grocery Store: Why Living in Japan is Better Than Living in the West - It's a Part of the Culture
I just came back from my second trip tonight to the grocery store to buy booze. I'm kind of drunk now. The grocery store is a 3 minute walk from my house.
I've been drinking booze. Did I say that I'm drunk, now? I did? OK.
As I walked out of the store, there was a couple arguing about something.
But, in Japan, when a couple are arguing (outside a grocery store or wherever), it isn't anything like what happens when a couple argues (outside in the parking lot of a grocery store or anywhere else) in the USA.
People in the USA and the west argue and they like to scream.
In Japan, people are reserved and they aren't wont to make a scene; there's no shouting or making a "scene."
Making a "scene" in Japan just won't do, you see.
The couple that were arguing outside the store I just came back from were arguing in hushed voices. I couldn't understand what they were arguing about. But they were definitely arguing about something.
The last time I was in America, I was at a Ralph's supermarket grocery store parking lot, I saw a couple arguing in the parking lot; they were screaming at each other and throwing stuff at each other out of their grocery cart.
It was like bloody murder!
The guy (I guess he was the husband) was screaming at the top of his lungs about something to do with a 25 pound bag of dog food versus a 50 pound bag of dog food.
Not exactly a life-ending crisis, but screaming bloody murder they were. People there must be quite stressed out (or drugged out).
He was shouting, "You didn't tell me to buy the 50 pound bag!"
I think you could hear him screaming at the top of his lungs from a mile away! He seemed furious over such a trivial matter.
That would never happen in Japan. It seems to be normal in the west.
The couple I saw who were arguing at the grocery store near my home in Japan, were arguing in hushed tones. That's because that's how Japanese people argue; they never scream and shout.
In Japanese language (and culturally) there's no reason to shout and raise one's voice.
It's just not a part of the culture.
And, as they say, if you want to understand the culture, you have to understand the language.
In Japanese, you never know what someone is going to say until you hear the last word in a sentence.
For example (in Japanese): "To the store to go buy groceries I go not."
In English, "I'm not going to the store to buy groceries."
In English, I know before even half way through what you are saying if your intention is negative or positive.
In Japanese, you have to listen to the last word to know one's intent.
This is why there is no "ping pong effect" in Japan where people interrupt each other mid-sentence and start arguing. In the west, whilst speaking English, you can interrupt because you already heard the intent halfway through any sentence...
"I am not...." and so forth.
This makes for Japan to be a much more peaceful place. That's just the way it is.
That's one more reason why Japan is a better place to live than the west if you want to have some peace. It's also why you never hear Japanese people interrupting each other and screaming - whether they are speaking Japanese or English.
It's just not a part of the culture.
Hopefully, it never will be.
Trust me. It is inconceivable that this guy is going to raise his voice and yell about anything! It's just not a part of the culture. Ain't gonna happen,
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Su凸ko D凹koi 「ブス」PV - Japan's Hottest New Girl's Band!
We just made the new video for Japan’s Hottest New Girl’s Group! Su Ko D Koi! These girl’s are fantastic! Su凸ko D凹koi 「すっとこどっこい」. The song is called, “Busu” which means “Ugly.” It's amazing that these three girls can make such a powerful sound. Check it!
Su Ko D Koi - Busu (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE0s_D8G5hc)
Su Ko D Koi - Busu (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE0s_D8G5hc)
Here's the lyrics:
Ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly
I wonder if I am ugly
Ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly
I know that I am
I've been living with the face for 20 years
I've come to realize that I'll never be a princess
I am not the only one who thinks so
I could never work as a hostess at a bar
But I got a boyfriend one day
I think he also thinks I am ugly
That's what I think, but I'm not sure
But for the first time, I thought, "Oh I'm glad to be alive."
For the first time in my life
I thought from the bottom of my heart,
I am happy to be alive
I was really happy
After dating for about six months
He suddenly hit me
I didn't do anything to deserve it
When I woke up in the hospital
with a transfusion in my arm
He had his head in his hands
Then he was gone
But I wasn't angry at him
Because it was the first time he really made me feel like a woman
I was happy!
(Chorus 2x)
Thank you!"
It’s kind of like the old 1950s song, “He Hit Me, and It Felt Like a Kiss” by the Crystals but with a 2015 twist!
Saturday, April 11, 2015
すっとこどっこい ー 「ブス」のPV
Gang! We just made the new video for Su凸ko D凹koi 「すっとこどっこい」. The song is called, "Busu" which means "Ugly." Check it!
She says,
"Ugly, ugly.... I know I am ugly....
But I got a boyfriend and we have been going out.
But one day, out of the blue, he hit me.
I woke up in the hospital and he had his head in his hands.
Then he was gone....
But, I finally was able to realize that he treated me like a woman!"....
It's kind of like the old 1950s song, "He Hit Me, and It Felt Like a Kiss" by the Crystals.
Cool! Isn't it? (If link doesn't work, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and
products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and
music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out
something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too!
Contact us! contact@robot55.jpFriday, April 10, 2015
I Was a Teenage Stand-Up Comedian in Hollywood!
“There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.” ― Erma Bombeck
“Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.” ― Jean Racine
really have worked as a Stand Up Comedian in Hollywood and around in
small venues in Southern California when I was a teenager. I did this gig, off and on, from 1979 until early 1981 or so. I was very
popular and got paid... “Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.” ― Jean Racine
OK. That's not exactly true. I wasn't a teenager, I was about 21 or 22 years old when I was a stand-up comedian; and it's probably a bit of a "stretch" to say that I was "popular." I did get paid a couple of bucks each time too (which was often more than I got from being in a punk band!)
Months before I became a Stand-Up Comedian, I was playing in a punk band and, from that, I got to see how the stage set-up was done for concerts. (I wrote about my punk band in: The White Stripes Jack White and Me (A True Story) (robot55.jp/blog/jack-white-and-me-a-true-story/) I saw an opportunity to be able to go on stage, tell off-color jokes and actually get paid a little bit (plus it was a great way to meet girls!) I figured that, in between the bands - while the Roadies were changing equipment on the stage - I could go up on stage and entertain the troops.
I actually went to clubs and owners to sell myself and my routine. For a while there, I got jobs; a lady from the department store I worked at actually got me lots of jobs too. She got me jobs at some sort of social events! She could have been a good manager! At that time, I was telling jokes in front of crowds of 50 ~ 200 people, one or two weekends a month for a short while!
Sometimes I did so well, and the crowd liked my jokes so much, that the fans were crowding the stage and throwing coins at my feet. I am not exaggerating!
Other times, with the very same act and original jokes I wrote, even the next night in front of a different crowd, it was like I was giving a speech at a funeral; it was dead. I definitely am not exaggerating about that either.
I was always confused as to why I was such a hit one night, then the next night, it was terrible! The difference was like night and day!
(Photo of me, as Nigel Nitro, circa 1980 - I would later write under the pen name "Ricky Zipp" using this same photo)
The first time people threw money at me, I was mad because I thought they were throwing stuff at me to get me off the stage. That was until a friend told me, "Wow! You were great! People were even throwing money at your feet!"
Getting up on stage, by yourself, is much more difficult than people can imagine; you are completely alone. If you are in a band on stage, that's scary enough, but, with a band, you have your band members and instruments to hide behind. Being a stand up comedian is just you, naked (figuratively speaking), on the stage with a few dozen or, even hundreds of people just staring at you. Their eyes pierce you and their expectations are quite high (or incredibly low - which can be a problem too!) Their eyes and faces are saying, "Entertain me! Make me laugh or get off the stage!"
Being a Stand-Up Comedian is a very rough job.
My very last stand up routine was at my university at a talent show; I was MC'ing the event. People were roaring with laughter. I couldn't figure it out. They were laughing in all the wrong places! I later asked a girl why people were laughing so much and she said, "Your facial expressions were hilarious!" I couldn't figure that out either. If anything my facial expression were of confusion because I couldn't figure out why people were laughing at my jokes in weird places! It was then and there that I decided that I wasn't good enough and didn't have what it takes to be a Stand-Up Comedian.
But I'm very glad I tried my luck as a Stand Up Comedian. Being a Stand-Up Comedian is a great way to become a great public speaker. It is also a good way to overcome inhibitions and to learn how to control a crowd's behavior.
How and why did I ever first become a Stand-Up Comedian? Let me explain further...
In about mid 1979, a few months after Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols died, my punk band broke up. I was quite disillusioned with the entire "Punk Thing" by then anyway. Sid dying (he was my hero) was the last straw for me. (Well, I had lots of "last straws," actually.)
But, I had loved being on the stage as a Punk band vocalist and wanted to stay and hang out in Hollywood. So I decided try try my hand as a Stand-Up Comedian. It made sense to me at the time.
Being the front of a punk band was powerful. It was also a lesson in crowd control. When my band ended, at first, I wanted to start another punk band but everything I tried just didn't work out to my liking. Also, I had learned a lesson from playing in a band with other people who weren't so dedicated; having to depend on other people sucks!
Being a Stand-Up Comedian is really just you against the world, it seems. It's a great experience and, no matter your age, I think everyone can benefit from having to stand up in front of a bunch of strangers and give a speech.
After all, giving a speech and doing stand up comedy are first cousins in the public speaking world.
In Japan, you can sometimes see young people standing at a busy train station and giving speeches. I hear it is a kind of initiation at some companies to make their new young employees overcome their inhibitions and become better representatives and salesmen. I think it is good.
I will always fondly look back to my 20 or 30 times as a Stand Up Comedian. Sometimes I was the funniest guy! King of the hill! Other times I was a pathetic little loser standing butt-stark-naked in front of a crowd of people without a friend in the world!....
Both are great learning experiences.
Everyone can benefit from public speaking exposure like that.
Like they say, "Don't dream it. Be it."
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Check Out This Week's Top 3 Videos!
This week's Top 3 Videos over at Robot55!
Half Girl from Berlin and a hilarious song about Motorhead's Lemmy called, "Lemmy, I'm a Feminist." Also a hot new British group named "History of Apple Pie" and their homage to "The Weekend." And at #1 the girl who, according to “Revolver Magazine,” The Fabulous Miss Wendy is “the sexiest rock star ever”!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
From the Rogers News Sources (April 1, 2015, Tokyo, Japan):
The first in its kind in history: Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe smiles seconds before his untimely demise by a savagely large and dangerous Amazonian Man-Eating Plant on live TV on March 31, 2015
The entire nation of Japan was in total and complete shock today when on live national TV, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was savagely devoured by a giant carnivorous man-eating plant. The dangerous and rare plant somehow wound up on the TV set of the NHK (national news station) studios by accident.
While tens of millions of shocked viewers looked on, the plant first rudely criticized the suit Abe was wearing for poor taste, it then suddenly grabbed the prime minister by the head and swallowed him whole.
Staff at the NHK news team tried to save the prime minister by offering the deadly fauna the former prime minister and current finance minister Taro Aso instead. Unfortunately, like the former prime minister, their efforts were too little, too late.
Some in the TV audeince were quoted as saying, "who voted for that Aso anyway?"
Some in the TV audeince were quoted as saying, "who voted for that Aso anyway?"
It is expected that time and date of proceedings will be announced to a nation in mourning later today.
Shinzo Abe will be sorely missed.
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